Sunday, 24 February 2008

Why Lisbon Treaty is a Bad for Ireland

1. It puts at risk our automatic right to a referendum on future changes to existing treaties.

2. It gives the EU too much power and reduces our ability to stop decisions that are not in Ireland's interests.

3. It gives 105 additional powers to the EU on issues such as international relations, security, trade and economic policy. And in more than 60 of these areas we will lose our right to stop laws not in our national interest.

4. It creates an EU Foreign Minister and common defence and foreign policies, and allows the EU to act on the international stage in the same way as a state and to speak on our behalf.

5. It erodes neutrality by drawing us into a common defence and obliging us to increase military spending.

6. It cuts our voting strength on the Council of Ministers by more than half.

7. It ends our automatic right to a Commissioner.

8. It seriously undermines workers rights and public services.

9. It mandates the EU to promote nuclear energy.

10. It undermines the EU's commitment to tackling global poverty and inequality.