Sunday, 2 February 2014

Reform Alliance?

The joke is that the media keeps going on and on about how Ireland needs a new political party.  On TV we've had Ben Gilroy on with Declan Ganley where they go on asking Ganley if he will run because we need a new political party while Ben is sitting on the same panel.   
We have the media tripping all over themselves asking the Reform Alliance if they are intending to create a new political party, while DDI has announced its existence.  
Remember they would prefer to promote Lucinda Creighton, who is part of the "Status Quo", to leads Ireland's so called need for political reform.  
Remember like Enda Kenny, Lucinda has been a Vice President of the European Peoples Party (EPP), the main architects of the highly undemocratic European Union, whose EPP vision for Ireland, currently being implemented by Enda Kenny and team, is not necessarily what the Irish people themselves want for Ireland.  
Why does the reform alliance need to listen to the Irish people in the RDS?  
Could it be the easy way to find out what we are thinking instead of going door to door getting lectured for campaign promises and lies while ruining your 300 euro Gucci designer shoes?  
Could it be that they are just looking for new "Campaign Rhetoric" so their speech writers can write the perfect speeches and get the Fine Gael / Labour "Say One Thing Do Another" politicians elected for another 5 years.  
Have they suddenly found their hearts and really care now? From my point of view it’s another highly paid crafty professional PR spin doctor strategy and media stunt to sway the public and control the narrative for change, without DDI leading the charge. 
 I think we are being duped again.  
When was the last time you heard a real in depth discussion of Direct Democracy (DD) in the Irish mainstream media? They know that DD threatens the “Status Quo”; it threatens the old way of doing business like cronyism, brown envelopes and offshore bank accounts.   I think intuitively they know it will completely reform the Irish political system.  
Let’s see how long it takes for the "Say One Thing Do Another" politicians to jump on the DD band wagon when they see that including DD in their speeches can win votes.  
Don’t believe them.  
For them, it’s more campaign rhetoric as a strategy to win, with no intention of follow through.  
Do not vote for them.  
It is like a dysfunctional relationship or a bad marriage ending in divorce. You will regret it if you do.  They’ve had almost 100 years to prove themselves and nothing has changed, it ends up always being “Say One Thing Do Another”. 
I think it was Albert Einstein who defined insanity as being those who are “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.